7 Ways to Get “Ride Ready” in September
September is Motorcycle Awareness Month (MAM) and this year it’s themed 21 for September, because sadly, when we’re out on two wheels doing what we love, we’re 21 times more likely to be injured or killed than anyone else on the road.
That’s a sobering statistic and while MAM and other initiatives help raise awareness of motorcyclists amongst other road-goers, there’s a lot we can do to help ourselves. This MAM, Ride Forever are pushing 21 pointers on how to stay safe on our bikes.
Spring and summer riding is upon us, so let’s look at the first seven points from the 21 for September checklist and get “ride ready”.
1. Check your head
Our helmets are without doubt the most vital piece of gear we wear and just like us, the period they perform optimally is limited. Check your lid… if it was manufactured five or more years ago, it should be replaced.
This is the perfect time to get into a safe and comfortable new helmet that best suits your favourite kind of riding. If convenience is your thing, try a modern flip-front for faster stops at the servo and less yelling at your mates. One of the many adventure riding converts out there? Do you prefer visor, peak, or both?
We suggest buying the safest helmet you can afford. You may be pleasantly surprised by the range of ECE-certified helmets you can pick up on a budget.
Helmets have an optimal service life of five years. How old is yours?
2. Know your ride
Preventative maintenance is key to finding potential issues before they materialise into something that will put you at risk of injury out on the road.
Check your machine for wear routinely and take care of problems quickly before they get worse. Spend some quality time with your bike in your workshop tonight — your bond will only grow stronger!
The home away from, errr... home. This is where the magic happens.
3. Remaster the classics
Ease back into the saddle by concentrating on technique. Get your eye in and refresh that riding feeling.
4. Own your safety
Take action and always look out for yourself. It may sound like HR BS but ultimately, you have the most influence over your safety, so ride to survive.
5. Ditch that scratched visor
This is a no brainer — riding with a scratched visor is like driving in the rain without using the windscreen wipers. Visit your friendly local dealer for a replacement visor or find one online.
Replace your old visor to enjoy improved vision and safety.
6. Set your bike up
Adjust your bike for a more comfortable ride. It's your bike so you’d be silly not to try and make it as comfortable as possible. You could change your handlebar grips, adjust your lever heights, measure and set your sag, adjust your suspension clickers, etc, etc. Make a tweak, test ride, repeat.
If you don’t know where to start, do some research on the interwebs. And if you’re not confident on the tools, consider your nearest bike shop — they’d love to help you dial your bike in for your weight, ability and preferred type of riding.
7. Check your brakes
Check your stoppers with a visual check of your brake pads and discs. Is there enough meat on the pads? Are the discs warped or getting near minimum thickness?
Give them an operating test as soon and safely as you can (i.e., before you’re doing 100kph in traffic), then relax into the ride knowing they’re going to do their job if and when things get hairy.
How do you test your brakes?!
Ready to ride?
So, how many of these do you have covered?
To make the most of 21 for September, visit rideforever.co.nz and sign up for a FREE Ride Forever course in September or October and go in the draw to win one of three excellent prizes.
Next week, we’ll look at some more ways we can prepare our bikes and brains for summer riding. Until then... go and spend some QT with your bike and plan your next ride!