Wössner was founded in 1979 by Eckart Wössner. At first, the company only imported pistons from America for the European market. The first Wössner motorcycle forged piston came in 1994 out of the production lines.
To face increasing demand, Wössner USA was founded in 2005. Wössner purchased its own forge in Monale in 2009, then founded Wössner Italia in 2011 and Wössner Asia in 2016.
Meanwhile, we not only produce forged pistons but also connecting rods for motorsports applications. In addition to our motorcycle pistons, we have developed many more pistons for automotive, watercraft and snowmobile applications together with the teams we sponsor on an international level.
Wössner is proud of its success story and is glad to show you how it became what it is today.